Indian, goa government recognition of SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED engineering degrees has made studying physics a waste of time

India has become the first country in the world to officially claim that engineering degrees are SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED with some raw/cbi employees like sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, gujju school dropout naina chandan, who looks like actress sneha wagh being promoted by the indian, goan government as engineers only because of the SEX services they regularly provide to top ntro employees like nikhil sha, parekh, parmar

In a clear indication of the worsening status of educated women in India, the goan government is FALSELY claiming that like sexually transmitted diseases, engineering degrees are also SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED to get the school dropouts and call girls raw/cbi jobs with monthly salaries at the expense of women engineers who actually studied engineering the conventional way, studying physics, chemistry, maths,answering JEE, attending engineering college, answering exams

Income tax returns, medical records will legally prove that the indian government, R&AW and cbi are paying a monthly salary to panaji SEX SERVICE PROVIDER raw/cbi employees sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, gujju school dropout naina chandan, who looks like actress sneha wagh only for the SEX services they regularly provide to top ntro employees like nikhil sha, parekh, parmar

Yet in one of the greatest engineering frauds, the indian and goan govenment is falsely claiming that the goan, gujju SEX SERVICE PROVIDERS are experienced engineers, when it cannot provide any details of the engineering colleges where the sex service provider raw/cbi employees studied. These sex service provider raw/cbi employees have got FAKE REFERENCES of a btech 1993 ee degree from powerful NTRO employees who are addicted to their SEX SERVICES and hate a single woman engineer

yet instead of verifying whether these raw/cbi employees have actually studied engineering and the degrees are valid, for the last 5 years, the indian, goan government falsely claims that engineering degrees are also SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED,

Since these women have regular SEX with NTRO employees who are engineers for the last 5 years, they automatically become engineers for the goan,indian government which makes india the first country to officially acknowledge SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED engineering degrees in the world, hiring SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED engineer degree holders like naina, sunaina, siddhi in raw/cbi and duping people, companies and countries with their fake claims

If the indian government will officially declare that SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED engineering degrees are recognized for government jobs, students will not waste their time studying physics.

Solve the math, physics problem and expose the google, tata BLACK MONEY FAKE ALLEGATIONS to cover up their BRIBERY, SEX RACKET, BANKING FRAUD

NTRO, raw, cbi, google, tata are quick to make fake black money allegations against domain investors if they withdraw Rs 25000 from their bank account to justify their SEX, BRIBERY RACKET for the last 10 years
However unlike the PROSTITUTE,ROBBER, CHEATER raw/cbi employees who do not computer work at all, rely on google, tata PIMPS to hack the laptop of the domain investor and make fake claims about computer work, the domain investor is usually spending 8-10 hours daily doing computer work
She also other offline work, and there are few well stocked shops in the area where she lives, so she cannot spend much time shopping daily
So on some days when she goes shopping to city , she is spending Rs 1500 or more in a day on clothes, food, medicines
For example figs cost Rs 350 for 400 gram, raisins Rs 150 for 500 gram
On other days, she is spending Rs 400 per day on an average
She usually does not leave home on Sunday, she prefers to relax, so she does not spend any cash.
Assuming that a month has 30 days, please estimate the number of days in a month she has to spend Rs 1500 or more, to finish the Rs 25000 cash she has withdrawn and expose the tata, google BLACK MONEY, SEX, BRIBERY RACKET

the domain investor can easily prove that she is spending that much money in a month if she has the money, yet google,tata continue to criminally defame the domain investor .

Indian government openly encouraging EXAM CHEATING paying monthly salaries to all those who have ROBBED MEMORY COPY PASTED on their brains

The Indian government is openly encouraging EXAM CHEATING paying monthly salaries to all those who have ROBBED MEMORY COPY PASTED on their brains

In a clear indication of the complete lack of ethics in the indian internet and IT sector, R&AW/cbi employees have ROBBED MEMORY COPY PASTED on their brains a CRIME under section 411 of the indian penal code to get a monthly government salary at the expense of the engineer whose memory is ROBBED by the indian security agencies, NTRO without a court order or legally valid reason, another crime under section 390 of the indian penal code.

One of the most shocking aspects of the google, tata memory ROBBERY , identity theft racket is that R&AW/cbi employees faking a btech 1993 ee degree like siddhi mandrekar, riddhi nayak caro, sunaina chodan, naina chandan, nayanshree hathwar, asmita patel think that having ROBBED MEMORY of a harmless single woman engineer COPY PASTED on their brains is their birthright, when it is a CRIME under section 411 of the indian penal code

India has a population of 1.3 billion, yet ntro, indian security agencies are only regularly robbing the memory of a harmless private citizen using EEG technology and copy pasting it on the brain of any one who they feel like, to get them all raw/cbi salaries without doing any work, without investing any money while the engineer is getting nothing in a clear case of discrimination

The behavior of the robber indian security agencies, government is like cheating students in college exams, the person who is answering honestly fails and gets nothing, while all those who COPY like the raw/cbi employees having ROBBED MEMORY COPY PASTED on their brains, get a monthly government salary without doing any computer work, without investing any money at all.

Goa only state in India which falsely claims SCHOOL DROPOUTS, CALL GIRLS, CHEATERS, ROBBERS have the resume,savings of the 1989 JEE state topper

Students study physics, chemistry, math very thoroughly to get a good JEE rank.
yet all their education, science knowledge is wasted in HIGHLY CORRUPT states like goa where the government is openly involved in the identity theft of the 1989 JEE goa state topper and falsely claims that google, tata sponsored SCHOOL DROPOUTS like the kolhapur born eighth standard pass gujju housewife naina chandan who looks like actress sneha wagh, illegally married at 16 , CALL GIRLS goan bhandari sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar supplied by google, tata to ntro employees, CHEATERS nayanshree hathwar. ridhi nayak caro,asmita patel ROBBERS like veena and other raw/cbi employees who never answered JEE have the resume, skills , experience of the stat

Allegedly bribed by the sundar pichai led google, tata, Goa only state in India which falsely claims google, tata sponsored SCHOOL DROPOUTS like the kolhapur born eighth standard pass gujju housewife naina chandan who looks like actress sneha wagh, illegally married at 16 , CALL GIRLS goan bhandari sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, CHEATERS nayanshree hathwar. ridhi nayak caro,asmita patel ROBBERS like veena have the resume,savings of the 1989 JEE state topper to pay all the google, tata sponsored frauds a monthly raw/cbi salary at the expense of the state topper for the last 9 years .

Some powerful ntro employees led by the director puneet j, j srinivasan hated the 1989 goa state JEE topper, their btech 1993 ee classmate. So to destroy her life, these FRAUD LIAR NTRO employees FAKED their relation, with the engineer to steal everything from her and get all their lazy greedy mediocre inexperienced fraud girlfriends raw/cbi jobs with the STOLEN IDENTITY of the 1989 goa JEE state topper, a single woman engineer and india’s largest female domain investor

It is a reflection of the poor status of educated women that the indian and state government especially goan government blindly believes the complete lies of the fraud director puneet j and is paying all his SUGAR BABIES monthly raw/cbi salaries without doing any work at all, without investing any money online at all at the expense of the engineer, who is working like a slave because of the ENDLESS FRAUDS on her by the apostek director and is held a virtual prisoner

The engineer has been wasting a lot of time and money trying to end the fraud of her POWERFUL SHAMELESS BRAHMIN cheater classmates led by mhow monster puneet, yet due to the lack of humanity and honesty of goan society and government , the identity fraud has continued for more than 9 years, with the government refusing to end the fraud on the engineer, stealing her correspondence without a legally valid reason, denying her fundamental rights to privacy, right to a life of dignity

France develops hitech Rafale aircraft because unlike India it does not falsely claim that call girls, school dropouts, cheaters,robbers are experienced engineers

India is paying a huge amount of money to France with a population of 67 million for the high tech rafale aircraft, because India despite having a huge population of more than 1300 million it cannot develop similar aircraft in India. It is not related to population because China is able to develop at least some aircraft, The Chinese leaders and officials have vision, so though china and India were almost at the same level in aircraft three decades ago, in 2019, China is far ahead of India in aircraft and other defence technologies.

France with a population of 67 million develops hitech rafale aircraft because unlike India it does not falsely claim that lazy greedy google, tata supplied goan call girls, school dropouts, robbers,cheaters and frauds are experienced engineers from top colleges, to pay all these frauds monthly government salaries at the expense of the hardworking engineer who is criminally defamed and held a virtual prisoner for more than 9 years, unable to do any technical work at all.

This is because the indian government is extremely brazen in identity theft of harmless hardworking experienced engineers from top colleges, wasting crores of taxpayer money tod falsely claim that lazy greedy google, tata supplied goan call girls, school dropouts like naina chadan , robbers like indore housewife veena,cheaters and frauds who did not answer JEE have the resume, savings of the experienced engineer to pay all the frauds a monthly raw/cbi salary at the expense of the engineer.

To cover up the identity theft fraud on the engineer with a good JEE rank, the LIAR FRAUD SEX ADDICT top ntro, raw, cbi, security agency employees are extremely ruthless in ensuring that the experienced engineer gets no paid work in India at all, since they want to make the engineer broke and agree to identity theft.These section 420 shameless LIAR security, intelligence and NTRO employees are also involved in a banking fraud on the engineer which can be legally proved

Since the indian governmnent is beating nazi germany atrocities on jews in its identity theft fraud on the engineer whose identity, memory is ROBBED, countries worldwide are taking pity on the victim of the indian government fraud since 2010, and giving her some work, though it is low end work. The hardworking experienced engineer is not allowed to get any paid work in India, anyone who gives her paid work in India is threatened and harassed by the corrupt cruel dishonest intelligence and security agencies

So as long top as Indianintelligence and security agencies are allowed to continue with their fraud of falsely claiming that lazy greedy cheater housewives like nayanshree hathwar 2005 bbm, veena, riddhi caro nayak, school dropouts like naina chandan, call girls, fraud raw/cbi employees who never answered JEE are experienced engineers, india will never develop high tech equipment, and will always import Rafale and other high tech defence equipment

Indian government takes pride in making engineers with good JEE rank do low end work

The poor quality of the top indian leaders and officials is exposed when they are wasting crores of rupees of taxpayer money annually to force the best engineers in the country to do extremely low end work. If the engineer does not do the low end writing work, for customers outside India, she will not get any kind of paid work at all and will be subjected to identity theft, lose all her savings of twenty years or more.

Indian and goan government takes great pride in making experienced engineers with a good JEE rank do extremely low end work, falsely claiming that google, tata call girls, school dropouts and other frauds have the resume, savings, skills, experience of the engineer to pay them raw/cbi salaries, and then imports defence equipment worth billions of dollars like Rafale from countries like France, whose population is only 67 million compared to india’s 1300 million

France develops hitech equipment because unlike india it does not falsely claim PROSTITUTES, call girls, robbers, cheaters are experienced engineers from top colleges and it also does not force its best engineers from top colleges do extremely low end work, because government employees like caro, mandrekar, nayak, hathwar, kodancha ensure that the engineer gets no other paid work in the country at all for 9 years wasting crores of indian taxpayer money

Additionally the indian government refuses to admit the fact that the engineer is actually doing the low end work, falsely claiming that the google, tata supplied call girl, robber, cheater, school dropout raw/cbi employees, who are not spending any time doing computer work, are hardworking, excellent writers when they are only excellent sex service providers with ntro employees addicted to sex services or getting bribes.

It shows the lack of vision, honesty and humanity of the top Indian leaders and officials that they refuse to end the fraud which has continued for 9 years since 2010.

R&AW/cbi’s great fraud in making fake claims of the resume about their lazy greedy mediocre inexperienced employees


R&AW/cbi are mainly hiring lazy greedy cheater, robber, school dropout, call girls and frauds only because they are relatives, friends, and sugar babies of powerful ntro, intelligence and security agency employees

yet in a clear case of government defamation of harmless hardworking citizens especially women engineers with a good JEE rank, these fraud agencies are falsely claiming that their lazy greedy inexperienced mediocre robber cheater fraud employees who did not answer JEE have the resume, savings, skills and experience of the woman engineer.
The robber raw/cbi employees like siddhi mandrekar, riddhi caro, sunaina are also robbing almost all the correspondence of the engineer with a good JEE rank without a legally valid reason, causing great losses to the engineer

When the lazy greedy mediocre raw/cbi employees did not bother to answer JEE because they are extremely mediocre, and india officially claims that all citizens are equal, why are raw/cbi/ntro/security agencies behaving like section 420 frauds, and duping people, companies and countries with their fake claims of engineering degree, experience of their lazy greedy cheater employees who never worked as engineers

Quick answers to physics questions by experienced engineer

Experienced engineer with good JEE rank whose identity has been stolen by the powerful fraud sugar daddy NTRO employees, state and central government to get their 10 lazy greedy inexperienced mediocre call girl, school dropout, cheater housewife , robber and other fraud sugar babies, R&AW/cbi jobs with the stolen identity of the engineer, offers physics homework help, answers to the physics questions

Detailed explaination of the calculation, principles and laws will be provided on Skype if ntro does not steal correspondence.
Specifically interested in gravity, volume, density, flow related calculations.
Free trial offered in specific cases.
For more details contact on skype :
Have helped some customers outside india.
More details at Physics, questions, answers, experienced help and guidance

Note : Due to NTRO, R&AW,cbi correspondence theft since 2010, it is highly unlikely that anyone will actually contact the domain investor, the domains are being developed since parking revenues are zero.,

maximum height of newspaper, magazine and bookstack

The intense hitech mental torture, atmosphere of fear created and fake help of the ntro employees led by mhow cheater puneet, hathwar, kodancha, j srinivasan, infatuated with goan call girl sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, indore document robber housewife veena left the domain investor extremely confused and terrorized, she could not deal with other issues./ Now it is clear that the ntro employees hate the domain investor, will never contact her she has stopped caring for them, about them and problems which may be imaginary and restarted dealing with the other issues in her house.

Due to the google, tata masterminded identity theft, banking fraud, the domain investor is unlikely to afford to subscribe to so many magazines in future, the main issue is keeping the newspapers, magazines and books in the house, while ensuring that they take up the least possible floor space in the house. If the height of the book or magazine stack is very high, it is more likely to collapse.
For example when the domain investor entered the house in mumbai, she found the magazine stack had collapsed, and it was blocking her pathway. She had to spend time, clearing the magazines. Sometimes noise or vibrations are sufficient to cause the collapse of the stack. If the stack is of less height, it will not collapse, however the floor space, it will require, will be more and the house will be cluttered.

Any formula for determining the noise levels, vibration and stack height collapse will be appreciated.