June 2019

Goa only state in India which falsely claims SCHOOL DROPOUTS, CALL GIRLS, CHEATERS, ROBBERS have the resume,savings of the 1989 JEE state topper

Students study physics, chemistry, math very thoroughly to get a good JEE rank.
yet all their education, science knowledge is wasted in HIGHLY CORRUPT states like goa where the government is openly involved in the identity theft of the 1989 JEE goa state topper and falsely claims that google, tata sponsored SCHOOL DROPOUTS like the kolhapur born eighth standard pass gujju housewife naina chandan who looks like actress sneha wagh, illegally married at 16 , CALL GIRLS goan bhandari sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar supplied by google, tata to ntro employees, CHEATERS nayanshree hathwar. ridhi nayak caro,asmita patel ROBBERS like veena and other raw/cbi employees who never answered JEE have the resume, skills , experience of the stat

Allegedly bribed by the sundar pichai led google, tata, Goa only state in India which falsely claims google, tata sponsored SCHOOL DROPOUTS like the kolhapur born eighth standard pass gujju housewife naina chandan who looks like actress sneha wagh, illegally married at 16 , CALL GIRLS goan bhandari sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, CHEATERS nayanshree hathwar. ridhi nayak caro,asmita patel ROBBERS like veena have the resume,savings of the 1989 JEE state topper to pay all the google, tata sponsored frauds a monthly raw/cbi salary at the expense of the state topper for the last 9 years .

Some powerful ntro employees led by the director puneet j, j srinivasan hated the 1989 goa state JEE topper, their btech 1993 ee classmate. So to destroy her life, these FRAUD LIAR NTRO employees FAKED their relation, with the engineer to steal everything from her and get all their lazy greedy mediocre inexperienced fraud girlfriends raw/cbi jobs with the STOLEN IDENTITY of the 1989 goa JEE state topper, a single woman engineer and india’s largest female domain investor

It is a reflection of the poor status of educated women that the indian and state government especially goan government blindly believes the complete lies of the fraud director puneet j and is paying all his SUGAR BABIES monthly raw/cbi salaries without doing any work at all, without investing any money online at all at the expense of the engineer, who is working like a slave because of the ENDLESS FRAUDS on her by the apostek director and is held a virtual prisoner

The engineer has been wasting a lot of time and money trying to end the fraud of her POWERFUL SHAMELESS BRAHMIN cheater classmates led by mhow monster puneet, yet due to the lack of humanity and honesty of goan society and government , the identity fraud has continued for more than 9 years, with the government refusing to end the fraud on the engineer, stealing her correspondence without a legally valid reason, denying her fundamental rights to privacy, right to a life of dignity