October 2019

Indian, goa government recognition of SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED engineering degrees has made studying physics a waste of time

India has become the first country in the world to officially claim that engineering degrees are SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED with some raw/cbi employees like sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, gujju school dropout naina chandan, who looks like actress sneha wagh being promoted by the indian, goan government as engineers only because of the SEX services they regularly provide to top ntro employees like nikhil sha, parekh, parmar

In a clear indication of the worsening status of educated women in India, the goan government is FALSELY claiming that like sexually transmitted diseases, engineering degrees are also SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED to get the school dropouts and call girls raw/cbi jobs with monthly salaries at the expense of women engineers who actually studied engineering the conventional way, studying physics, chemistry, maths,answering JEE, attending engineering college, answering exams

Income tax returns, medical records will legally prove that the indian government, R&AW and cbi are paying a monthly salary to panaji SEX SERVICE PROVIDER raw/cbi employees sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, gujju school dropout naina chandan, who looks like actress sneha wagh only for the SEX services they regularly provide to top ntro employees like nikhil sha, parekh, parmar

Yet in one of the greatest engineering frauds, the indian and goan govenment is falsely claiming that the goan, gujju SEX SERVICE PROVIDERS are experienced engineers, when it cannot provide any details of the engineering colleges where the sex service provider raw/cbi employees studied. These sex service provider raw/cbi employees have got FAKE REFERENCES of a btech 1993 ee degree from powerful NTRO employees who are addicted to their SEX SERVICES and hate a single woman engineer

yet instead of verifying whether these raw/cbi employees have actually studied engineering and the degrees are valid, for the last 5 years, the indian, goan government falsely claims that engineering degrees are also SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED,

Since these women have regular SEX with NTRO employees who are engineers for the last 5 years, they automatically become engineers for the goan,indian government which makes india the first country to officially acknowledge SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED engineering degrees in the world, hiring SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED engineer degree holders like naina, sunaina, siddhi in raw/cbi and duping people, companies and countries with their fake claims

If the indian government will officially declare that SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED engineering degrees are recognized for government jobs, students will not waste their time studying physics.