July 2015

Brilliant obc professionals in India singled out of human rights abuses

The cruel fraud mainly brahmin officials in indian intelligence and security agencies are the most shameless cheaters and liars in the world . These officials who have the courage or honesty to justify their crimes in an open debate, falsely claim to be concerned about honesty, yet they are actually shameless frauds who will ruthlessly defame an innocent hardworking brilliant professional so that they can steal her impressive resume for the lazy greedy goan call girls siddhi, sunaina who sleep with them and well connected cheaters like nayanshree hathwar.
To avoid accusations of casteism they falsely claim that the inexperienced lazy greedy goan bsc obc call girl sunaina who sleeps with them, has the impressive resume of the obc engineer, to give the goan slut great powers while the obc engineer has got nothing.
Additionally the cruel fraud animal like officials ruthlessly attack the obc engineer through out the day whenever she will use the computer to cause great pain, falsely claim that the mediocre lazy greedy goan sluts, brahmin and other cheaters have the impressive resume of the brilliant obc engineer they are attacking,

No wonder that of the children who are not in school, 49% are SC/ST and 36% are OBC(Other backward classes), as the relentless atrocities of the cruel fraud mainly brahmin animal like officials on brilliant harmless obc professionals who are educated has become well known. Why should a obc woman engineer study hard for an engineering degree if her resume will be stolen for lazy greedy cheater brahmin women like the goan gsb riddhi siddhi, bengaluru shivalli brahmin cheater BBM nayanshree hathwar and obc call girls like bsc sunaina who sleep with these fraud officials, who will get jobs allegedly in R&AW and CBI falsely claiming that they have a Btech 1993 EE degree.
Allegedly google, tata, paypal have bribed top officials to steal the resume of the brilliant obc engineer for lazy greedy cheater goan call girls, brahmin and other cheaters in a Vyapam like fraud, yet no action has been taken till date

IIncompetent dishonest Indian intelligence agencies treat mediocre call girls, cheaters as experienced engineers

In an indication of the poor systems and corruption, incompetent dishonest Indian intelligence agencies treat inexperienced lazy greedy mediocre goan and other call girls, cheaters as experienced engineeers because these good looking cheaters have managed to get fake references of an engineering degree, experience from powerful intelligence agency officials who they sleep with or are infatuated with.
Making a complete mockery of the indian educational system, powerful officials allegedly bribed by google, tata, paypal falsely claim that inexperienced bsc sunaina, diploma holder siddhi mandrekar, cheater BBM nayanshree hathwar, greedy gsb lead thief riddhi and other frauds were their Btech 1993 electrical engineering classmate to give them great powers, a permanent job, salary and pension for the rest of their lives.
these frauds like greedy lazy goan gaud saraswat brahmin cheaters riddhi siddhi mandrekar, obc sunaina,veena, shivalli brahmin nayanshree did not bother to study hard to get admission to a top engineering college or work in a company honestly as they seem to be chronic liars and cheaters, they seduce powerful fraud officials to give them fake references of an engineering degree, stealing the resume of a brilliant obc engineer.

Why are top officials stalking their classmate?

In One of the the longest running cases of stalking, engineers from a top college in Mumbai, working in intelligence and security agencies, have been actively stalking their harmless classmate, a single woman obc engineer, for more than 5 years using the most sophisticated equipment available in India, wasting tax payer money.

These cowardly officials did not have the courage to speak to their classmate in the 4 years they were in the same class in college, for twenty years after graduation, and will also not communicate with her for the next 40 years, yet these officials are insisting on wasting a huge amount of tax payer money for tracking all her activity. Why cannot these officials leave their classmate alone if they do not want to contact her , she has not interfered in their life and does not even know where they are.

Just because these officials are jealous of their harmless classmate and hate her, want to destroy her life, can the wastage of so much indian tax payer money be justified for a personal hatred and greed. Millions of men and women study in college together, after college few are bothered what their classmate does after college, unless they have an affair or are married or good friends. Then why are obviously dishonest officials who have stolen her impressive resume for their lazy greedy fraud friends , allowed to fake concern about honesty to stalk their classmate ?

How many women engineers have been stalked by their male classmates, holding important jobs, for more than 5 years after making completely false allegations against her, without proof,
Due to the poor systems in indian intelligence and security agencies, officials are allowed to waste any amount of tax payer money for stalking, ogling and sexually harassing any woman like their classmate who they hate?

Call girls, brahmin cheaters become experienced engineers, VVIPs overnight in India

The world of online gambling has significantly grown over the years with the majority of people in the USA wanting to make a quick fortune out of the game. This has led to the evolution and development of the online gambling world. Although gambling online casinos The best casino can be found online and can be accessed very easily by an individual with a computer and an internet connection. The following are some of the best casinos online in the world that one can sign up with.

In india, physics toppers are treated very badly as shameless greedy fraud powerful officials will steal their impressive resume for mediocre call girls who provide free sex and brahmin cheaters who these officials are infatuated with. The problem will be particularly severe for older women who are OBc and not well connected as these officials are extremely shameless, ruthless and greedy

The stolen resumes of the brilliant experienced obc engineer will be used to appoint the mediocre lazy greedy call girls like ruthless cheater diploma holder siddhi mandrekar, obc call girl bsc sunaina, brahmin cheaters nayanshree hathwar, riddhi to very lucrative government jobs which these mediocre greedy fraud women would have never got with their own mediocre resume. The officials who steal resumes of brilliant vulnerable obc engineers then waste infinite indian tax payer money to ensure that their fraud will never be exposed, putting the obc engineer under surveillance for more than 5 years.

While the resume theft will be very convenient for the mediocre lazy greedy call girls and brahmin cheaters who will get a good salary and pension faking their qualification, experience, the biggest loser is the country as tax payer money will be wasted paying inflated salaries to extremely mediocre greedy lazy fraud women. the talent and experience of a brilliant obc engineer will also be wasted

The post has been made to expose the shameless VVIP goan call girls cheater siddhi mandrekar, sunaina, brahmin cheaters bangalore houswife nayanshree hathwar, riddhi, ruchika, veena who have got government job, salary, pension because they falsely claim to own the websites, when they are GREEDY LAZY LIARS whose shameless fraud friends and relatives have sexually harassed, cheated and defamed, STOLEN the retirement savings and resume of a vulnerable single woman OBC engineer.

This will clarify who owns the websites, pays the bills and is the real exporter. These fraud women, their greedy shameless friends and relatives can pay the market value instead of making FALSE CLAIMS TO GET GOVERNMENT JOBS, salary and pension. why are GREEDY LAZY LIARS MADE VVIPS WITH STOLEN RESUMES OF AN OBC ENGINEER.

Powerful fraud engineers pretend to be honest saints

All companies and government organizations should be aware of an extremely powerful gang of fraud engineers with a Btech 1993 EE degree who pretend to be very honest saints, yet are some of the most cruel shameless fraud engineer India has ever produced. These cheap dishonest cruel men hate their obc engineering college classmate and claim that as many as 7-8 lazy greedy frauds have the impressive resume of their classmate. A list of the pampered fraud girlfriends of these fraud officials who they falsely claim was their Btech 1993 EE classmate to get these lazy greedy goan call girls and cheaters government jobs, in a fraud worse than the Vyapam fraud
2013 Bsc obc goan call girl sunaina who sleeps with them
2012 Diploma holder, cheater and call girl siddhi mandrekar
BBM brahmin cheater nayanshree hathwar, with a 2005 BBM degree from bhandarkar’s college of arts and science, kundapura, udupi, karnataka
goan gsb fraud riddhi
mba hr ruchika
Housewife veena
stock broker asmita patel.

None of these women wanted to work hard for an engineering degree or experience, they rely on their powerful fraud male friends to abuse their great powers to give fake references to these mediocre cheaters, stealing the impressive resume of their obc engineering college classmate whose these shameless fraud men hate,

Where the honesty of these powerful Btech 1993 EE engineers, allegedly working in indian intelligence agencies, disappeared when they falsely claim that assorted inexperienced lazy greedy goan call girls and cheaters were their engineering college classmate to deny their obc classmate the opportunities she deserved

Want to buy radiation meters in India

Looking suitable measuring instruments for measuring high power radiation beams which are used to cause great pain to people. These beams are directed energy weapons and the pain will be experienced for a short period of time, usually less than a minute at a time. When USB dongles are used for internet connectivity especially for Idea,Vodafone, Airtel, the internet user will usually experience great pain, making it difficult to work online, forcing them to disconnect.

The instrument should measure the peak power of the radiation, radiation frequency and capture the exact time, date at which the radiation levels are high. The biological and health hazards of the high radiation levels have already been documented, extensively online and offline.

This information will be needed to appeal to human rights organization across the world so that the officials misusing the equipment can be held accountable and stop misusing these powerful invisible weapons to torture people who they hate or dislike. More details of requirement at electronic torture , email : info@textads.in