November 2020

Lakhs of young indians receiving EXTORTION DEMANDS, fake cases inspired by google, tata’s support for FAKE CASES, CRIMINAL DEFAMATION of the goa 1989 jee topper since 2010

After destroying the life of the goa 1989 jee topper with their fake allegations, fake cases, mainly greedy gujju scammers are allowed to destroy the career of students and others all over india

Freelancer forms
Orian technology
Nat enterprises
Golden enterprises
PRC solution
Rey Technology
UTS solutions
Work Novatech enterprises
VR enterprises
Xylem technology
Viz technology
HS enterprises
PG technology
wise word technology
Webalizer text solutions
Zet technology
Cradlesoft Enterprise
Zenith solutions
SUV Solutions
Elite services
Unicorn services
Equinox solutions
Technocraft solutions
Honey technology
FNA Solution
Software link solutions

Due to the support of IIT kharagpur alumni sundar pichai led google, tata, fraud indian tech and internet companies, the greedy gujju scammers led by tushar parekh, parmar, nikhil sha, patel and others were able to destroy the life of the goa 1989 jee topper with their fake allegations, fake cases, though they had no legally valid proof against her at all.
Though the goa 1989 jee topper was innocent and was protesting loudly that there was no proof against her, the intelligence and security agencies blindly believed the lies of the greedy gujju scammers led by tushar parekh, parmar, nikhil sha, patel and others, who then CHEATED, EXPLOITED her to get raw/cbi jobs for their lazy greedy fraud relatives friends like stock broker asmita patel, sindhi scammer school dropout naina chandan, her lazy fraud sons karan, nikhil who do not spend any money on domains, have no online income at all.
Encouraged by their great google, tata supported FINANCIAL FRAUD of Rs 15 annual lakh on the goa 1989 jee topper since 2010, now the gujju fraudsters are filing fake cases against lakhs of students and young people all over indian, blackmailing them and threatening to destroy their life and career like greedy gujju, brahmin, bania, goan bhandari fraudsters are CHEATING, EXPLOITING the goa 1989 jee topper, making 100% fake allegations without any proof

Atleast the mainly gujju fraudsters are directly contacting and threatening the students, in case of the goa 1989 jee topper she was not allowed to defend herself and the indian government is falsely claiming that the brahmin, bania ntro friends of the gujju fraudsters like mhow monster puneet, j srinivsan who HATE the goa 1989 jee topper are helping her, when the greedy government employees HATE the single woman and are doing everything to destroy her life

Till the indian and state governments especially in karnataka do not end their FINANCIAL, ONLINE FRAUD on the goa 1989 jee topper,since 2010, based on 100% FAKE CASES, lakhs of young indians will be cheated and exploited, blackmailed, get extortion demands

MIT, arnav kapoor, times should know that google has used mindreading technology to BRIBE ,CONTROL corrupt indian government officials stealing the MEMORY of the goa 1989 jee topper

Times of india covered Arnav Kapoor mind reader not the indian government MEMORY ROBBERY of goa 1989 jee topper since 2010 causing Rs 15 lakh annual losses to her
Times of India covered the news of Arnav Kapoor mind reader not the indian government MEMORY ROBBERY of goa 1989 jee topper since 2010, to get 15 lazy greedy fraud google, tata sponsored raw/cbi employees monthly government salaries falsely claiming to have the engineers resume, savings, paypal, bank account

In one of the biggest cases of human rights abuses, FINANCIAL FRAUDS allegedly BRIBED by IIT kharagpur alumni sundar pichai led google, tata, the indian government blindly believed the complete lies of the CRUEL GREEDY CUNNING brahmin, bania ntro/raw employees, especially from the btech 1993 ee class of india’s top rated engineering college, led by mhow monster puneet, j srinivasan, tushar parekh, who FAKED their relationship with the goa 1989 jee topper who they HATED

Though these FRAUD shameless greedy government employees had never contacted the goa 1989 jee topper, being shameless FRAUDS, LIARS to cause maximum harm to the single woman engineer, they FALSELY CLAIMED that the single woman they HATED, had agreed to the MEMORY ROBBERY, to get all their lazy greedy fraud girlfriends and associates raw/cbi jobs with the STOLEN MEMORY of the goa 1989 jee topper

So though the goa 1989 jee topper had a much better 1989 jee rank than google ceo sundar pichai, she is making almost no money because of google, tata’s MEMORY ROBBERY while the google, tata sponsored frauds with the stolen MEMORY like goan bhandari sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar,sindhi scammer schooldropout naina chandan who looks like actress sneha wagh,robber,cheater housewife like panaji robber riddhi nayak caro. nayanshree hathwar, indore robber deepika and other fraud raw/cbi employees like greedy gujju stock broker asmita patel, naina’s lazy fraud sons nikhil, karan,ruchika kinge who do no computer work at all, get monthly indian government salaries for FAKING bank account, domain ownership

In India, IIT kharagpur alumni sundar pichai led google, tata have ruthlessly used MEMORY ROBBERY for BRIBING top indian intelligence, security agency employees using the stolen MEMORY of the goa 1989 jee topper, a harmless single woman engineer, getting government jobs for the relatives, friends of greedy government employees, falsely claiming that the cooking, cleaning cheater housewives and other frauds own the domains, websites of a single woman engineer, domain investor who has no one to help and defend her in one of the worst cases of human rights abuses, FINANCIAL FRAUDS in the world

tata power special electronics division employee guruprasad involved in massive online fraud on goa 1989 jee topper to get his cheater wife nayanshree a monthly R&AW salary at her expense

tata power special electronics division employee guruprasad in bengaluru, karnataka is aware that his lazy greedy cheater wife nayanshree hathwar, is only cooking, cleaning for him, does no computer work at all, has no online income at all.

Yet allegedly with the help of fraud brahmin ntro employees j srinivasan, mhow monster puneet j, google, tata, LIAR indian internet companies the fraud tata power special electronics division employee guruprasad is openly involved in CYBERCRIME on goa 1989 jee topper, a harmless single woman engineer who has no one to help or defend her against fraud indian tech and internet companies, ntro, raw employees, the greedy liar tata power employee is falsely claiming that the his cheater housewife nayanshree with no online income, owns the paypal, iwriter, bank account of the goa 1989 jee topper, to get the cheater nayanshree a monthly raw salary since 2013 at the expense of the single woman who is then criminally defamed in the worst manner

the domain investor has personally visited the address provided and people have confirmed that the tata power special electronics division employee guruprasad was living there with his wife before being transferred to bengaluru.To cover up the FINANCIAL FRAUD on the goa 1989 jee topper, google, tata, LIAR FRAUD tech and internet companies, government agencies are falsely claiming that the domains, bank account of the single woman belong to the CRUEL LIAR SOCIOPATH FRAUD ntro/raw employees like puneet who actually HATE the single woman and have never contacted her anytime in her life

The indian tech and internet companies allegedly led by google, tata, officials like brahmin sociopaths led by have harassed the goa 1989 jee topper for ten years falsely claiming that they were worried about honesty, so why does no one question tata power special electronics division employee guruprasad on the BANKING computer work fraud of his cheater wife R&AW employee nayanshree and other fraud raw/cbi employees openly involved in a FINANCIAL, ONLINE FRAUD on the goa 1989 jee topper since 2010

Only goa 1989 jee topper targetted for CORRESPONDENCE THEFT, indicating high levels of EDUCATIONAL FRAUD in india

Officially the indian government agencies like NTRO/raw/cbi are ROBBING the correspondence of of goa 1989 jee topper, a harmless single woman domain investor without a legally valid reason since 2010, to run an extortion racket, falsely claiming that they are worried about honesty.
The single woman has not cheated any one, no one in india is complaining about her since she does not deal with indian citizens, yet her correspondence is ROBBED without any reason denying her her fundamental rights, isolating her completely, and causing great FINANCIAL LOSSES.

There are a large number of websites like Combo Hunt, Cute Girl creations, Brothers Footprint which are cheating a large number of indian citizens, the victims of the fraud are complaining loudly online, yet no one is taking any action against the website owners, they can make phone calls, receive payment freely, while the goa 1989 jee topper, cannot make receive phone calls,smses, couriers, postal correspondence, payment from indian customers, since ntro/raw/cbi employees like robber riddhi nayak caro are robbing everything to run a lucrative extortion racket and threatening everyone in India for making payment to the single woman

Most of the complaints online in India are regarding internet companies is because top officials like vijay, puneet, j srinivasan, parmar, tushar parekh , internet and tech companies allegedly tata, IIT kharagpur alumni sundar pichai led google are pathological LIARS making FAKE CLAIMS about greedy shameless ntro/raw/cbi employee like panaji housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro who looks like actress kangana ranaut, mba ruchika kinge, greedy gujju stock broker asmita patel who are ONLINE,FINANCIAL FRAUDSTERS GREEDILY and falsely claiming to own the paypal, bank account, domains of a single woman engineer, goa 1989 jee topper who has no one to help or defend her and getting a monthly government salary for making fake claims.
The panaji greedy gsb housewife ruthless robber riddhi nayak caro who looks like actress kangana ranaut, is only COOKING, CLEANING for her husband crooked caro, does no computer work at all, does not invest any money in domains, yet with the help of her fraud father, nayak, crooked caro, ntro employee vijay, cheater tech and internet companies like google, tata, is openly involved in CYBERCRIME stealing all the correspondence of a single woman engineer, domain investor who has no one to help or defend her, and is also falsely claiming to own the paypal, bank account of the single woman to get a monthly cbi salary
Similarly karnal,haryana, mba hr ruchika kinge is working as a employee in the HR department of a american company, does no computer work at all, does not invest any money in domains, yet with the help of her fraud sugar daddies verma, agarwal, ntro employee puneet, cheater tech and internet companies like google, tata, is openly involved in CYBERCRIME stealing all the correspondence of a single woman engineer, domain investor who has no one to help or defend her, and is also falsely claiming to own the paypal, bank account of the single woman to get a monthly cbi salary.
Other fraud raw/cbi employees like nayanshree hathwar, asmita patel, indore robber deepika, goan bhandari sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, sindhi scammers school dropout naina chandan, who looks like actress sneha wagh, her lazy fraud sons karan, nikhil, maria are openly involved in a similar financial, online fraud on a hardworking single woman who has no one to help or defend her, and is also falsely claiming to own the paypal, bank account of the single woman to get a monthly cbi salary.
Bank details will legally prove that ntro/raw/cbi employee like housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro, mba ruchika kinge are ONLINE,FINANCIAL FRAUDSTERS since they are falsely claiming to own the paypal, bank account of a single woman who they HATE, CRIMINALLY DEFAME using videos, spreading false rumors and get a monthly government salary at her expense.
To cover up their ONLINE, FINANCIAL FRAUD, the raw/cbi employees especially robber riddhi nayak caro, ruchika kinge, goan bhandari sunaina chodan are ROBBING the correspondence of the single woman domain investor, whose bank account they falsely claim to own, falsely claiming that they are worried about honesty. There are many websites which are cheating indian citizens like Combo Hunt, Cute Girl creations, Brothers Footprint, no one robs the correspondence of the website owners, the indian internet sector, ntro, raw, cbi are only robbing the correspondence of the harmless single woman for more than ten years, to get robbers riddhi, ruchika a monthly government salary at her expense because of EDUCATIONAL FRAUD

Can the indian government, raw,cbi, ntro, indian internet sector, google, tata explain why no one robs the correspondence of Cute girl creations and other websites with a large number of complaints, only the correspondence of the harmless innocent goa 1989 jee topper is ROBBED without a legally valid reason since 2010, denying her fundamental rights and causing great losses

This indicates the high levels of educational fraud in India, especially goa, where engineers with good JEE rank are subjected to identity theft, robbing their correspondence without a legally valid reason

After goa government’s ruthless identity theft fraud on goa 1989 jee topper since 2010, aryan study circle no longer advertising JEE results

Allegedly bribed by IIT kharagpur alumni sundar pichai led google,tata, the goa government has been ruthless in its identity theft fraud on goa 1989 jee topper since 2010, falsely claiming that goan bhandari sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar,sindhi scammer schooldropout naina chandan who looks like actress sneha wagh,robber,cheater housewife like panaji robber riddhi nayak caro (who looks like actress kangana ranaut). nayanshree hathwar, indore robber deepika and other fraud raw/cbi employees like greedy gujju stock broker asmita patel,mba hr ruchika kinge and other frauds who did not answer JEE have the resume, savings, paypal, bank account of the goa 1989 jee topper to pay all these frauds a monthly government salary at the expense of the goa 1989 jee topper since 2010

To cover up the identity theft fraud, the cunning greedy LIAR goan officials like pritesh chodankar, nayak,caro, mandrekar, and their lazy fraud relatives, friends, have CRIMINALLY DEFAMED the goa 1989 jee topper in the worst manner, so that their lazy greedy fraud relatives like robber riddhi can falsely claim to have the resume, savings of the goa 1989 jee topper
Initially everyone believed in the complete lies of panaji shameless greedy fraud couple robber riddhi and her husband crooked caro, who were making fake allegations to CRIMINALLY DEFAME the goa 1989 jee topper. ten years later it is clear that panaji’s high status CHEATER couple crooked caro and his fraud wife ROBBER riddhi have no proof at all against the goa 1989 jee topper , panaji’s crooked cheater couple caro, robber riddhi , riddhi’s fraud father nayak are pathological LIARS making FAKE CLAIMS so that shameless ruthless ROBBER riddhi who never answered JEE, can get a monthly cbi salary for FAKING a btech 1993 ee degree

When the goa 1989 jee topper started complaining, some people decided to verify the claims and found that panaji shameless fraud security agency employee crooked caro, had got a cbi job for his wife ROBBER riddhi FAKING a btech 1993 ee degree with the help of riddhi’s FRAUD father nayak, liar internet and tech companies like google, tata, fraud ntro employees like vijay, puneet. panaji’s robber queen ruthless riddhi is only COOKING, CLEANING for her husband crooked caro, does no computer work, yet crooked caro, riddhi’s fraud father nayak are duping people, companies and countries with fake stories of computer work

Indicating the widespread rot in goan society and government, panaji’s high status CHEATER couple crooked caro and his fraud wife ROBBER riddhi face no social or professional censure for FAKING a btech 1993 ee degree, resume, paypal, bank account for the last 8 years, and are supported by google, tata in the BANKING FRAUD. Additionally panaji’s shameless ruthless robber queen cbi employee housewife riddhi nayak caro, is also ruthlessly ROBBING the correspondence of the goa 1989 jee topper to run an extortion racket, so that no one can contact the goa 1989 jee topper

aryan study circle is one of the top coaching classes in goa, and they have realized that goa society and government does not value engineers with a good JEE rank, due to which the government has committed so many atrocities, frauds on the goa 1989 jee topper for ten years without being questioned. So in its latest advertisement, it is no longer advertising JEE results, instead it is only showing the twelfth standard results.