The top engineering colleges in India only give engineering degrees, their alumni often completely lack honesty, humanity and personal ethics. Now the news of how intolerant greedy engineers working in indian intelligence agencies sexually harassed their harmless single female classmate for more than 5 years to steal her impressive resume for the lazy greedy goan sluts and sex bribe givers siddhi mandrekar,goanobc bhandari bsc slim sunaina and other frauds, to get all these frauds, lucrative jobs, allegedly in R&AW, falsely claiming that these frauds were their classmate, has become news worldwide.
The harmless single woman engineer, domain investor had not interfered in their life in any way, however these powerful engineers could not tolerate her success and that she was single, so they abused their great powers to make fake allegations and put her under surveillance using the most sophisticated aerial equipment in the country. All these men had been bought up to treat women as second class citizens, so they thought that if they harassed, cheated and exploited their classmate enough she would come begging to them and agree to an unfair identity theft arrangement.
If these men had been bought up to treat women as equals and that every person has the right to lead the life of his or her choice, were more tolerant , the single woman obc engineer would have not suffered so much. What right does an engineer have to falsely claim that the goan sex bribe givers siddhi mandrekar, sunaina and other frauds were their Btech 1993 EE classmate when a dna test will expose the lies of these fraud powerful engineers