Jealous official used voice to skull technology to torture classmate

Few know that one of the greatest disadvantage of studying in a top engineering college is that your classmates are likely to work in intelligence agencies especially technical intelligence agencies like NTRO in India . While the competition levels in other degree courses like arts and commerce are not very high, for top engineering and management colleges, the levels of hatred and jealousy are extremely high.

So at present a brilliant single woman engineer who studied in a top college, finds that her jealous classmates and other officials working in NTRO//intelligence agencies are using voice to skull technology repeatedly for more than 5 years to harass, torture and mislead her. Initially she did not realize what was happening and thought the messages were real as these officials kept saying “affiliate program” to indicate that they would take over, when actually these fraud officials do not want to spend a single penny on the domain, hosting and other expenses, yet shamelessly boast the lazy greedy goan sex bribe givers, brahmin and other cheater housewives own the domain names, websites and Paypal account

Now she realizes that voice to skull technology is being used extensively to torture her, and has to train her mind to ignore the messages she is being bombarded with. However there is an urgent need to review why a powerful official is being allowed to waste tax payer money/expensive equipment to harass his harmless classmate/single woman engineer just because he is jealous of the woman and hates her

By admin