United brahmins, banias, gujjus, sindhis will never allow MEMORY ROBBERY of any harmless engineer from their community with good JEE rank without a court order

The humancontext.in post on reddit in June 2022 showed that the rich and powerful communities in india, especially brahmins, banias, gujjus, sindhis are very united in supporting meritorious professionals, even if they work at home. Engineers from the rich and powerful communities who have a good JEE rank, in the top 300 in the country are never slandered, falsely accused without any proof, to subject them to human rights abuses, MEMORY ROBBERY, CYBERCRIME, without a legally valid reason, without a court ordered since those slandering are aware that the officials,leaders from these communities will always defend them against the fake allegations, ask those who make the fake allegations for proof before taking any action against the professional, engineer.

One of the reasons why only the goa 1989 jee topper, a single woman engineer has been subjected to the most horrific human rights abuses, FINANCIAL FRAUDs, MEMORY ROBBERY,allegedly by government employees from the btech 1993 ee class of iit bombay, allegedly puneet, j srinivasan, tushar parekh, vijay, google employee prakash and others without a legally valid court order since 2010 is because the corrupt dishonest bhandari leaders/officials like goan bhandari cheater chodankar, naik refuse to defend the innocent bhandari engineers, like goa 1989 jee topper against the complete lies of the rich and powerful communities, instead are extremely vicious in criminally defaming the goa 1989 jee topper and are getting huge BRIBES from the rich and powerful for their cybercrime

To reward goan bhandari cheater chodankar, naik for destroying the life of bhandari engineers with a good JEE rank, committing the most horrific human rights abuses on the goa 1989 jee topper, the rich and powerful communities have got government jobs for 4 lazy greedy relatives of cheater chodankar faking bank account and are falsely claiming that bulldog owning goan bhandari raw employee scammer sunaina chodan, who was not even born in 1989 to give JEE according to panaji electoral rolls, has the resume, savings, assets of the goa 1989 jee topper, when domain investors worldwide claim that scammer sunaina has got her raw job for providing sex services to top government employees especially from the btech 1993 ee class of iit bombay, allegedly puneet, j srinivasan, tushar parekh, vijay, google employee prakash and others

The MEMORY ROBBERY has continued for 12 years since 2010, causing great financial losses for the victim who is forced to highlight the dishonesty, greed and corruption of bhandari/obc leaders and officials due to which only bhandari engineers with a good JEE rank are being targettted for government MEMORY ROBBERY, government SLAVERY, FINANCIAL FRAUD without a legally valid reason destroy their lifestyle.

By admin