Hypocrite cruel engineers reward brahmin frauds with fake references

Engineers from india’s top colleges have degrees, but zero personal integrity and are the greatest frauds in India. Some engineers with a Btech 1993 EE degree are examples of the lack of morals as they make indrani mukherjea look like a saint, with their greed, cruelty, double standards. These fraud men have sexually harassed and ogled at their classmate, a single woman for more than 5 years falsely claiming that they are very concerned about honesty.
Yet when the mediocre lazy greedy shivalli brahmin cheater housewife BBM nayanshree hathwar, loots their classmate of more than Rs 1.1 lakh, these fraud engineers are so overjoyed with the brahmin cheater for her crime, that they falsely claim that the BBM nayanshree was their classmate to get the inexperienced mediocre fraud nayanshree a lucrative job allegedly in R&AW, denying their classmate a fair deal, opportunities which she deserved .
Similarly when the goan fraud siddhi mandrekar will commit corporate espionage on their classmate, these fraud engineers are so overjoyed with the brahmin cheater for her crime, that they falsely claim that the goan diploma holder siddhi mandrekar was their classmate to get the inexperienced mediocre fraud siddhi mandrekar a lucrative job allegedly in R&AW, denying their classmate a fair deal.
Where has the great concern of these powerful fraud engineers about honesty disappear when their darling brahmin cheater nayanshree loots their classmate or siddhi commits corporate espionage ? why are they rewarding the cheaters nayanshree, siddhi mandrekar instead of punishing these cheater women.

Why do they not openly say that they hate their female engineering college classmate and want to destroy her life, they are least bothered about honesty?

Engineers waste tax payer money for sexual harassment of their classmate

In college engineers may want to harass or ogle at their classmate, yet they are unable to because the rules are strict. However when these engineers hold important government jobs in intelligence agencies, twenty years after college, these officials find that they can waste infinite tax payer money to sexually harass their classmate, without being questioned,
NTRO and intelligence agencies have extremely sophisticated aerial surveillance systems using satellites which can zoom on any person anywhere in the country, The equipment has officially been procured for defence and anti terrorist activities, and has also been described in the book, “Rataban betrayal” and media report. however the officials using the equipment are allowed complete freedom and they misused the equipment to ogle at their harmless single woman female classmate for years

Unlike cctv or other equipment which can be detected and removed, the engineer being sexually harassed can find no physical proof of the equipment to take legal action quickly. Finding the agency which has the aerial surveillance equipment and getting their records can be a difficult task for the engineer being harassed

Fraud engineers from top colleges in India guilty of voyeurism

Some extremely powerful engineers working in indian intelligence agencies allegedly bribed by Google, tata are guilty of voyeurism, under section 354 of Indian penal code as they make flimsy excuses to ogle at their female engineering college classmate to steal her impressive resume for lazy greedy goan sluts who offer them sex bribes like siddhi mandrekar, sunaina, brahmin and other cheaters like shivalli brahmin fraud nayanshree, goan gsb fraud, lead theif riddhi, veena, ruchika, asmita patel,. These engineers from a top college falsely claim to be very concerned about honesty, yet they rewarded all the lazy mediocre frauds who exploited, cheated their classmate, especially goan gsb frauds riddhi siddhi, brahmin cheater nayanshree hathwar, falsely claiming that these fraud women have the Btech 1993 EE degree of the obc bhandari engineer they have sexually harassed for more than 5 years
It has become obvious that engineering graduates from top colleges in India only have a degree, no morals, personal integrity or humanity. Even after 5 years these cruel greedy dishonest men continue to ogle at, sexually harass their classmate using the most sophisticated aerial surveillance equipment available in India.
When will the waste of tax payer money by powerful officials to commit a crime under section 354 of IPC end. Why do they need to track or monitor a harmless domain investor closely for more than 5 years?

OBC Bhandari engineer in India fights resume theft by fraud brahmin officials

In an indication of the prevalent casteism in India, honest brilliant obc, especially bhandari engineers in Goa have to waste their time and money for years, to fight the atrocities of powerful dishonest brahmin officials who steal the impressive resume of the bhandari engineer for lazy greedy mediocre brahmin and other frauds including the obc bsc slut sunaina who sleeps with the brahmin officials

The lazy greedy mediocre brahmin women do not want to study for their enginering degree,work for their experience, investment, they rely on their powerful fraud friends and relatives to defame a brilliant bhandari engineer and steal her resume so that the brahmin and other frauds can get lucrative jobs allegedly in R&AW.

These brahmin officials falsely claim to be very concerned about honesty, yet they are shameless liars giving fake references of a Btech 1993 EE degree to anyone they find convenient, exploiting their classmate who has worked hard for the degree. the bhandari obc engineer has got nothing because of the fraud of the shameless fraud hypocrite brahmin officials and her mainly brahmin classmates,

When will the powerful brahmin classmate of the obc engineer be honest about the qualifications, experience, and investment of their mediocre lazy greedy cheater friends like goan gsb frauds riddhi siddhi mandrekar, nayanshree hathwar, goan obc bhandari slut bsc sunaina who offers sex bribes to top brahmin and other officials, veena, ruchika, asmita patel. Allegedly a top NTRO official J srinivasan infatuated with the lazy greedy goan obc bhandari slut sunaina, half his age, has been falsely claiming that the bsc sunaina was his Btech 1993 EE classmate to get the fraud sunaina, a lucrative job in R&AW. Google, Tata, paypal are protecting and rewarding sunaina, gsb frauds riddhi siddhi mandrekar, brahmin cheater nayanshree hathwar, veena, ruchika, asmita patel in the impersonation scam,
Most of the obc leaders in goa are protecting the inexperienced goan obc slut bsc sunaina whose only achievement in life remains have sex with top officials indicating how gsb fraud officials can destroy the life of brilliant obc engineers taking advantage of the dishonest obc leaders in goa . the lazy greedy goan slut bsc sunaina’s and her associates have made numerous food poisoning and murder attempts on the obc engineer, whose resume the inexperienced obc goan slut bsc sunaina falsely claims to have

All this remains an indication of how difficult meritious bhandari professionals find to get justice, while fraud puppets of brahmins like sunaina, veena, ruchika, brahmin frauds like riddhi siddhi mandrekar, nayanshree hathwar, get great powers for cheating and exploiting the obc bhandari professional .

For 5 years these brahmin officials have failed to be honest, for how much longer will these dihonest brahmin men shamelessly lie,

Fake black money accusations against brilliant physics toppers in India

Technology levels in India are extremely low, and India despite the second largest country in the world, cannot develop any indigeneous technology, remains the largest importer of high tech defence equipment because the cruel fraud mainly brahmin indian intelligence and security agencies specialize in making completely false black money allegations against brilliant obc engineers without ANY PROOF.
After sexually harassing and torturing the engineer for 5 years these fraud cruel officials cannot find any proof at all, yet now these cheater officials falsely claiming that inexperienced lazy greedy mediocre Brahmin frauds like the goan gsb fraud housewife riddhi diploma holder siddhi mandrekar, brahmin cheater BBM nayanshree hathwar, obc slut bsc sunaina who offers sex bribes to these officials and other frauds have the excellent academic record of the physics topper, to get all these frauds lucrative jobs allegedly in R&AW.
When will these greedy incompetent fraud officials be questioned or punished for making fake black money acusations against physics toppers, and wasting tax payer money to find non existent proof against the innocent engineer,

Why do some powerful fraud GSBs in Goa fake their engineering degree

In Goa, a brilliant obc engineer finds that her phone calls, smses and other correspondence is being diverted to the lazy greedy goan gsb frauds riddhi siddhi mandrekar, because some fraud indian intelligence agency officials in Goa are falsely claiming that these mediocre goan gsb frauds have a Btech 1993 EE degree.
The fact that these lazy greedy cheater GSB women do not have any engineering degree at all can be easily proved, if they are asked to provide their id proof, degree and experience certificate, yet why do the powerful intelligence agency officials in Goa show a complete lack of intelligence and continue to make false claims about these GSB frauds;
Just because the shameless lazy greedy cheater gsb frauds riddhi siddhi, their fraud families and friends are making completely false allegations without any proof at all, against the obc engineer, it does not mean that these crooked greedy gsb frauds are experience engineers
It only proved that shameless lazy greedy goan gsb frauds riddhi mandrekar, have no morals, personal integrity, humanity and will shameless exploit any brilliant obc professional to get great powers
Do these greedy goan gsb frauds have the courage and honesty to defend their lies in an open debate

Engineers from top college plan financial fraud

The sheena bora murder case has become a classic example of the lack of ethics, personal integrity in Indian society, An honest person is the exception in India today, some engineers from top colleges are greater frauds than Indrani Mukherjea, ruthlessly betraying and exploiting their classmate to make their mediocre lazy greedy friends rich and powerful overnight at the expense of their classmate who they hate .

These engineers are directors of companies, hold important jobs, yet they have no qualms abusing their great powers and wasting tax payer money to grab all the assets of their harmless hardworking engineering college classmate, encouraging and rewarding people for making false allegations against her without any proof at all to ruin her reputation .

These cunning engineers then falsely claim to know her very well, so that they can steal her resume for all the fraud women they are infatuated with, to deny their classmate the opportunities she deserved. they also steal the retirement savings of the single woman engineer without a court order to blackmail her to agree to their unfair identity theft agreement. It has taken the engineer 5 years to realize the fraud of the top officials, and the harsh fact that these officials are unlikely to admit their mistake
Thus in India, being a science topper, does not mean that the person is honest, he may be the greatest fraud in the world

Why did pampered lazy greedy Goan GSB FRAUD riddhi not study for her engineering degree?

‘GSB officials like to falsely claim that they have succeeded because of education, yet the goodlooking goan GSB fraud riddhi is a classic example of a cheater who has got a lucrative job in R&AW faking her engineering degreee, The good looking GSB fraud riddhi with her permed hair was too lazy and mediocre to get admission to even the worst engineering degree college in India, yet her shameless fraud relatives and friends viciously defamed a brilliant obc engineer to falsely claim that the GSB goan fraud riddhi has the impressive resume of the OBC engineer,
Now the obc engineer finds that all her phone calls, smses are diverted to GSB fraud riddhi who demands a bribe for delivery or impersonates the obc engineer
So an open challenge to all the GSBs who proudly boast about their education, why is no action taken against the lazy greedy goan GSB fraud riddhi faking her engineering degree to steal the resume of a brilliant hardworking obc engineer and get a job allegedly in R&AW and great powers for her fraud?
A look alike of the shameless greedy lazy goan GSB fraud riddhi has been posted hoping that the fraud and her powerful shameless GSB family and friends stop falsely claiming that the greeedy GSB fraud riddhi is an experienced engineer, webmaster, Paypal account holder and domain investor to give the mediocre lazy riddhi great powers

When will the goan gsb frauds riddhi siddhi, their powerful families and friends Admit the harsh truth that like the other lazy greedy mediocre GSB fraud siddhi mandrekar, the good looking GSB fraud riddhi has got the lucrative job in R&AW only because she is a lazy greedy well connected brahmin from a powerful fraud GSB family who specialize in viciously defaming and torturing brilliant OBC engineers, especially bhandari and then falsely claiming the mediocre lazy GSB cheaters have the impressive resume of the brilliant obc engineer
Why does the obc engineer find that her phone calls are diverted to the lazy greedy goan gsb frauds riddhi siddhi, who make it impossible to speak to anyone on phone, getting directions to reach a place, why are the lazy greedy gsb frauds given so many powers for doing nothing except cheating and lies.

Please note that goan sluts siddhi,obc bsc call girl sunaina are also not associated with the website.

Brilliant obc professionals in India singled out of human rights abuses

The cruel fraud mainly brahmin officials in indian intelligence and security agencies are the most shameless cheaters and liars in the world . These officials who have the courage or honesty to justify their crimes in an open debate, falsely claim to be concerned about honesty, yet they are actually shameless frauds who will ruthlessly defame an innocent hardworking brilliant professional so that they can steal her impressive resume for the lazy greedy goan call girls siddhi, sunaina who sleep with them and well connected cheaters like nayanshree hathwar.
To avoid accusations of casteism they falsely claim that the inexperienced lazy greedy goan bsc obc call girl sunaina who sleeps with them, has the impressive resume of the obc engineer, to give the goan slut great powers while the obc engineer has got nothing.
Additionally the cruel fraud animal like officials ruthlessly attack the obc engineer through out the day whenever she will use the computer to cause great pain, falsely claim that the mediocre lazy greedy goan sluts, brahmin and other cheaters have the impressive resume of the brilliant obc engineer they are attacking,

No wonder that of the children who are not in school, 49% are SC/ST and 36% are OBC(Other backward classes), as the relentless atrocities of the cruel fraud mainly brahmin animal like officials on brilliant harmless obc professionals who are educated has become well known. Why should a obc woman engineer study hard for an engineering degree if her resume will be stolen for lazy greedy cheater brahmin women like the goan gsb riddhi siddhi, bengaluru shivalli brahmin cheater BBM nayanshree hathwar and obc call girls like bsc sunaina who sleep with these fraud officials, who will get jobs allegedly in R&AW and CBI falsely claiming that they have a Btech 1993 EE degree.
Allegedly google, tata, paypal have bribed top officials to steal the resume of the brilliant obc engineer for lazy greedy cheater goan call girls, brahmin and other cheaters in a Vyapam like fraud, yet no action has been taken till date

IIncompetent dishonest Indian intelligence agencies treat mediocre call girls, cheaters as experienced engineers

In an indication of the poor systems and corruption, incompetent dishonest Indian intelligence agencies treat inexperienced lazy greedy mediocre goan and other call girls, cheaters as experienced engineeers because these good looking cheaters have managed to get fake references of an engineering degree, experience from powerful intelligence agency officials who they sleep with or are infatuated with.
Making a complete mockery of the indian educational system, powerful officials allegedly bribed by google, tata, paypal falsely claim that inexperienced bsc sunaina, diploma holder siddhi mandrekar, cheater BBM nayanshree hathwar, greedy gsb lead thief riddhi and other frauds were their Btech 1993 electrical engineering classmate to give them great powers, a permanent job, salary and pension for the rest of their lives.
these frauds like greedy lazy goan gaud saraswat brahmin cheaters riddhi siddhi mandrekar, obc sunaina,veena, shivalli brahmin nayanshree did not bother to study hard to get admission to a top engineering college or work in a company honestly as they seem to be chronic liars and cheaters, they seduce powerful fraud officials to give them fake references of an engineering degree, stealing the resume of a brilliant obc engineer.