December 2015

CBI, NTRO, R&AW falsely claims semiliterate housewife naina is an experienced engineer

When allegedly bribed by google, tata, CBI, NTRO officials can stoop to the lowest level to defame a brilliant harmless single woman obc engineer, domain investor and Paypal account holder . Not satisfied with stealing her retirement savings of twenty years without a court order, these shameless fraud officials are abusing their powers, wasting indian tax payer money to spread false rumors that 8-9 lazy greedy cheater women have the impressive resume of the obc engineer including her btech 1993 EE degree.
The latest cbi sponsored fraud is allegedly the semiliterate housewife naina, mother of two sons, who the shameless fraud cbi, ntro and other officials in panaji, goa are falsely claiming is an experienced engineer.

In reality the semiliterate naina has not completed 10th standard, yet indian intelligence and security agency officials when BRIBED By tata, google are the most shameless section 420 frauds and liars in the world, wasting indian tax payer money to sexually harass, defame educated woman engineers and FALSELY CLAIM goan sex bribe givers, housewives are experienced engineers

When the shameless fraud cbi, ntro, R&AW officials end their fraud, defamation on experienced qualified engineers, stop acting like call girls for tata, google officials

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CBI, NTRO harass, torture harmless brilliant hardworking obc engineers

It appears that blinded by greed, casteism CBI, NTRO are only targetting brilliant hardworking honest obc engineers, making completely fake allegations without any proof at all for more than 5 years and then cheating, exploiting, torturing the innocent harmless obc engineer. These cbi, ntro officials are extremely SHAMELESS RUTHLESS FRAUDS and LIARS with no morals, honesty or humanity, yet they are allowed to waste infinite indian tax payer money for their personal goals.

These shameless fraud cbi, ntro officials will then justify their atrocities, defamation of the obc engineer falsely claiming that the goan sex bribe givers who sleep with them like goan obc sex bribe giver bsc sunaina, their cheater friends and relatives have the impressive resume of the brilliant harmless obc engineer who are they are defaming without proof, cheating, exploiting and torturing. Most of these cbi, ntro promoted frauds do not know the abc of engineering.

In an indication of how ruthless and powerful these fraud ntro, cbi officials are, no lawyer or government agency in India will help the obc engineer who is being defamed without proof, cheated, exploited and, tortured. The only option available will be posting the news of defamation, exploitation and torture on international forums, as these cruel fraud officials are extremely concerned about “damaging the reputation of India”

Then these shameless fraud ntro, cbi officials will tell the obc engineer, domain investor why did you not try to get the matter resolved internally instead of posting the matter on forums. The obc engineer can provide copies of the letters sent to a number of government agencies including bengaluru cybercrime, national commission for backward classes, human rights commission, women’s rights, yet no one has helped her

When will brilliant harmless obc engineers, especially women get a fair deal in India and in panaji, goa in particular, why are cbi, ntro officials wasting so much tax payer money to defame and torture them,

Allegedly bribed by Google,tata CBI, NTRO, R&AW encouraging Indian women not to study

In a shocking case of fraud by CBI, NTRO, R&AW officials,especially in panaji, goa allegedly bribed by GOOGLE, TATA they are encouraging and rewarding uneducated semi literate mediocre cheater women with lucrative R&AW jobs, false claiming that these mediocre frauds have BTECH 1993 ee degree from the best indian engineering college,.

These shameless fraud CBI officials in panaji, goa are defaming a brilliant single woman obc engineer as an uneducated fool and falsely claiming that the lazy greedy GOAN GSB FRAUDS housewife riddhi, goan fraud diploma holder sidhi mandrekar,goan obc bhandari SEX BRIBE giver bsc sunaina who sleeps with brahmin officials, brahmin cheater nayanshree hathwar, semiliterate housewife naina, veena, ruchika, asmita patel and other frauds have the Btech 1993 EE degree of the brilliant obc single woman engineer to get all these fraud lucrative jobs allegedly in R&AW

When extremely powerful CBI, NTRO officials are taking SEX OR OTHER BRIBES to falsely claim mediocre semiliterate housewives, SEX BRIBE givers were their Btech 1993 EE classmates, and getting these frauds lucrative R&AW/CBI jobs with fake resumes, why should a woman study hard to get an engineering or other degree.

So though the shameless fraud NTRO, CBI officials in panaji, goa will not be honest to admit it, when they falsely claim that semiliterate housewife naina,diploma holder siddhi mandrekar, obc bsc sunaina, gsb fraud housewife riddhi, who do not know the abc of engineering, have a btech 1993 EE degree to give these mediocre frauds great powers, they are encouraging Indian women not to study

R&AW, CBI, NTRO allegedly falsely claim BBM brahmin fraud nayanshree hathwar is an engineer

Powerful BRAHMIN officials continue to shameless lie, manipulate the system to get lucrative jobs for their mediocre inexperienced relatives and friends in India and the appointment of the mediocre bengaluru shivalli brahmin cheater housewife bbm nayanshree hathwar to a lucrative R&AW job, faking a Btech 1993 ee degree and resume, investment of a brilliant single woman obc engineer has become a classic example of the rampant casteism in indian intelligence agencies.
The powerful fraud relatives of brahmin nayanshree hathwar, kodancha, hathwar made completely fake allegations against the harmless obc single woman engineer without any proof, so that nayanshree could cheat the obc single woman engineer of more than Rs 1.1 lakh. Then a powerful fraud official puneet who was infatuated with the brahmin nayanshree hathwar falsely claimed that she was his btech 1993 EE classmate to steal the impressive resume of his brilliant obc classmate who he hated and nayanshree hathwar cheated, to allegedly get the mediocre nayanshree a lucrative R&AW job.

the mediocre bengaluru brahmin housewife nayanshree hathwar, completed her bbm from bhandarkar’s college of arts and science, kundapura, udupi, karnataka, and has almost no work experience yet in december 2015, the powerful cbi, ntro, r&AW officials falsely claim that she has a btech 1993 EE degree, owns the domain names, Paypal account of the obc engineer she cheated to give the brahmin fraud nayanshree great powers. The correspondence of the obc engineer is being diverted to the brahmin fraud nayanshree hathwar without a court order, and her payments are blocked, stolen,

The obc engineer being defamed, exploited by the brahmin fraud nayanshree hathwar, and her associates would like the indian intelligence, security agencies, R&Aw, cbi, ntro to openly justify why they appoint brahmin frauds with fake engineering degrees, resumes to top R&AW jobs, why the indian government in december 2015 refuses to acknowledge or recognize the fact that the obc engineer is being cheated, impersonated by Brahmin fraud bbm nayanshree hathwar. The bengaluru cybercrime refused to take action against the brahmin cheater nayanshree hathwar.

Officially do the Indian intelligence agencies want to falsely claim that fake references from intelligence agency officials alone will make an inexperienced mediocre woman like brahmin fraud bbm nayanshree hathwar an engineer overnight for government records in 2015, she does not get admission to any engineering college or get an engineering degree from the college. If CBI, NTRO, R&AW would officially confirm the new criteria for getting a Btech 1993 EE degree, then parents and students would not waste their time and money answering JEE or any other entrance exam.

FRAUD CBI officials defaming brilliant single woman engineer as an uneducated fool

In an indication of the highlevels of corruption, nepotism and sleaze in CBI, NTRO, R&AW shameless fraud CBI officials have been viciously defaming a brilliant single woman obc engineer as an uneducated fool to deny her the opportunities she deserved, to get lucrative R&AW jobs for their mediocre lazy greedy friends and relatives and to enjoy LIFETIME FREE SEX with the lazy greedy GOAN SEX bribe givers goan gsb fraud diploma holder sidhi mandrekar, goan obc bhandari slut bsc sunaina who sleeps with top cbi officials.

These shameless fraud cbi officials are falsely claiming that the goan gsb frauds housewife riddhi, siddhi mandrekar, goan obc SEX BRIBE GIVER bsc sunaina, brahmin cheater bbm nayanshree hathwar, semiliterate housewife naina, asmita patel, veena, ruchika and other frauds own the domain names, Paypal account and have the btech 1993 EE degree of the obc single woman engineer.

These fraud cbi officials think that if they waste their time and tax payer money spreading false rumors defaming the brilliant obc single woman engineer, their LIES will come true. However the fact remains that the experienced brilliant obc engineer will remain an engineer despite the CBI lies, However India will waste the best engineering talent in the country as most companies will find it difficult to hire the brilliant experienced obc engineer due to the vicious cbi slander.

Due to shameless fraud CBI OFFICIALS who specialize in defaming, brilliant engineers without any proof. destroying their life out of hatred and greed, India has extremely poor infrastructure, potholed roads, chennai flooding and remains the largest importer of defence equipment.

The goan SEX BRIBE givers, housewives and cheaters who the fraud cbi officials claim to be experienced engineers to give these great powers, in reality do not know the abc of engineering, and the fraud of the CBI officials promoting FAKE ENGINEERS is the real cause of the poor infrastructure poverty in India. When will the fraud of these CBI officials be investigated.

Only mediocre lazy cheaters allowed to flourish in India

It appears that there is no place for honest and idealistic people in India. One of the CBI, NTRo promoted frauds who are impersonating the single woman obc engineer, domain investor and Paypal account holder, and was allegedly rewarded with a R&AW job, was extremely honest about it. She said that if you want to be honest and do well in life, you do not stay in India, you have to go abroad.

It appears that it is well known that the indian intelligence agencies especially CBI have an unofficial policy of promoting mediocre lazy greedy frauds like goan gsb frauds riddhi siddhi mandrekar, brahmin fraud bbm nayanshree hathwar, goan obc sex bribe giver bsc sunaina, giving them great powers, faking their resume, while wasting infinite indian tax payer money to destroy the life of any honest, brilliant hard working person, spreading malicious false rumors without any proof at all to ruin the persons life.

So brilliant honest hardworking engineers, toppers are advised to leave india as soon as possible to ensure that their lives are not destroyed by the shameless fraud indian intelligence and security agency officials who are completely devoid of humanity, honesty

Shameless Hypocrite fraud engineers reward lazy greedy goan fraud for corporate espionage, brahmin cheater

If a person claims to have an engineering degree from a top engineering college in India, you should be very careful because engineers from top engineering colleges may have an impressive resume, yet are the most unprincipled frauds in the country rewarding mediocre frauds who commit corporate espionage, cheating with fake references of a Btech 1993 EE degree. Puneet, the Bengaluru based director of a company has become a classic example of a shameless fraud hypocrite engineer from a top college.
The shameless fraud puneet had no qualms defaming without proof, sexually harassing, cheating, exploiting his harmless obc single woman engineering classmate for years, refusing to give references, falsely claiming that he was extremely concerned about honesty and personal integrity.
However the cunning hypocrite puneet had no qualms rewarding the lazy greedy inexperienced goan gsb fraud diploma holder siddhi mandrekar for corporate espionage on his obc classmate and bengaluru shivalli brahmin cheater housewife bbm nayanshree hathwar who looted his classmate of more than Rs 1,1 lakh with fake references of a btech 1993 EE degree, to allegedly get these mediocre women extremely lucrative R&AW jobs.
After shamelessly misusing his classmate’s name, stealing her resume, to deny her the opportunities she deserved, the shameless fraud puneet now refuses to reply to his obc engineering college classmate he brutally exploited. Now the single woman obc engineer has to waste her time and money to ensure that the shameless powerful fraud puneet, siddhi mandrekar, nayanshree hathwar and their associates do not dupe others.

Tax payer money wasted daily to destroy memory of OBC engineer

Few can match the shameless dishonest fraud intelligence and security agency officials in Panaji, Goa including OBC fraud pritesh, obc SEX bribe giver sunaina’s pimp, and goan gsb fraud housewife riddhi’s cruel cowardly criminal husband as they ruthlessly stalk and attack a harmless single woman obc engineer daily to cause great pain, memory loss.
These fraud officials are allegedly bribed by google, tata to waste Indian tax payer money to criminally attack a harmless single woman engineer, who they would have the courage to touch in person as these criminal officials in panaji, goa would face a case under section 354, 324 and 323 of the Indian Penal code

The lazy greedy GOAN GSB FRAUD housewife riddhi, gsb fraud diploma holder siddhi mandrekar, goan obc sex bribe giver bsc sunaina were too mediocre, lazy to get admission to an engineering college for a Btech degree, start their own online business, Paypal account, invest in domain names, rely on shameless fraud NTRO officials like vijay, j srinivasan, puneet, to ruthless exploit their OBC Btech 1993 EE classmate, and falsely claim that these mediocre lazy goan frauds own the Paypal account, domain names and have the Btech 1993 EE degree of the obc single woman engineer.

The news of the atrocities are being published because again on 7 December 2015, the obc engineer has been attacked repeatedly causing great pain, memory loss, headache, making it difficult to do any work.

Security and intelligence agency officials falsely claim housewives, sex bribe givers, frauds are engineers

The poor infrastructure in India can be directly attributed to the fact that powerful security and intelligence agency officials in India are allowed to falsely claim that lazy greedy brahmin and other housewives, sex bribe givers and other frauds are experienced engineers from top colleges to give them great powers, lucrative intelligence agency jobs. The problem is particular severe in goa, with shameless goan officials claiming that the goan gsb frauds housewife riddhi diploma holder siddhi mandrekar, goan obc sex bribe giver bsc sunaina, semiliterate housewife naina , asmita patel,veena, ruchika and others are experienced engineers.
When none of these mediocre women have worked as engineers why are fraud officials falsely claiming that they are engineers. Though goan gsb fraud diploma holder siddhi mandrekar has a diploma, she has commited corporate espionage and no engineering company can afford to hire a known fraud like her, so she has no right to falsely claim that she has the twenty years experience of the obc engineer she cheated.
To get work experience, the obc engineer has worked very hard, honestly and sincerely and no person has the right to steal the resume she has worked for.