After stealing resume, savings criminal NTRO officials steal engineering classmate’s memory

Allegedly bribed by the iit kharagpur 1993 gold medalist sundar pichai led google, fraud ntro officials led by j srinivasan, puneet, hathwar, kodancha , are not satisfied with stealing the resume, savings of a harmless single woman obc engineer, their btech 1993 classmate without a court order or legally valid reason for 8-10 google, tata sponsored fraud indian intelligence employees .
To ensure that their classmate does not make any money at all, these ntro officials are behaving like nazi germans in their atrocities on the jews, subjecting their btech 1993 EE classmate to non consensual human experimentation.
They are using the most hitech equipment available in the country to steal their btech 1993 ee classmates memory without her permission, without any compensation, and transferring her memories to the tata google sponsored SEX WORKERS, CHEATER housewives and other frauds denying her the fundamental right to privacy and to earn a fair living . These stolen memories are given to corporates who are bribing these officials like google, tata , so the engineer and domain investor is helping google, tata make more profit , without compensating the engineer in any way at all.

Lack of scientific temper cause of India’s poor olympic performance

In the just concluded rio olympics, a small and widely defamed country like North Korea was far higher in the medals tally winning more than 5 medals including gold medals compared to India. This is because of the complete lack of scientific temper in the country with the top technical research agencies like NTRO personifying the incompetence, irrational and unscientific behavior of the most powerful tech officials in India.
Male engineers who have studied in the top engineering and technology colleges in the country have no qualms stealing the impressive resume of their btech 1993 EE classmate for lazy greedy mediocre goan sex workers siddhi, sunaina, cheater housewives like riddhi, nayanshree hathwar and assorted frauds, to get all these frauds lucrative R&AW/CBI/intelligence jobs with monthly salary.
If indians were progressive, rational and scientific, the indian intelligence agencies should have realized that fake references alone do not make a mediocre lazy greedy fraud, an experienced engineer from a top college overnight, and at least verified the resume, qualification of the fraud employees before issuing the appointment letter. Most large companies will at least verify the qualifications of their employees at the time of joining, however the incompetent indian agencies like R&AW/CBI do not bother to carry out a basic verification.

Instead the fake references are used to give mediocre lazy frauds great powers, a monthly salary and pension for the rest of their life, wasting indian tax payer money. Due to the regressive attitude, Indian officials refuse to acknowledge the flaws in their system and correct them as it has become a very lucrative racket for senior officials to get jobs for their mediocre lazy greedy fraud relatives, friends

Indian intelligence agencies value mediocre housewives more than experienced engineers

In China most of the educated women are working, however in India the intelligence agencies like R&AW, CBI, NTRO value housewives and sex specialists more than experienced engineers from top engineering colleges in the country, resulting in wastage of resources.
The extremely incompetent and dishonest indian intelligence and security agencies think that having sex or getting fake references will automatically make a woman an experienced engineer overnight, she does not have to know anything about engineering at all. The indian government is also wasting $18000 monthly for more than 6 years to ensure that experienced engineers do not get the opportunities they deserved, and their income is reduced to almost zero.

When CBI, NTRO, R&AW and other indian intelligence agencies are falsely claiming that sex specialists, cheaters and housewives like shivalli brahmin cheater bbm nayanshree hathwar are experienced engineers, investors and giving them great powers, it will naturally affect the infrastructure of the country, with major cities being flooded and roads full of potholes. They are also forcing private companies like Ebay to accept their fraud

It is like the government falsely claiming call girls, cheaters and housewives are experienced doctors, surgeons to give them senior positions in government and other hospitals. Most private hospitals will not accept the cbi, raw sponsored fraud doctors as their patients will die, however the government will continue to give the frauds great powers, because large corporates are protecting and rewarding the frauds

Compensation for torture by government officials

Indias largest female domain investor is looking for information and help to get compensation for selective individual torture, non consensual human experimentation and testing of microwave torture weapons on her daily by powerful government intelligence and security agency officials who cannot be identified or held accountable.
These officials are getting a monthly salary and pension, yet they are ruthless in stalking and torturing a harmless single woman engineer, domain investor causing great pain daily, memory loss, making it difficult to be productive, because they have been allegedly bribed by large corporates. Looking for lawyers, activists and others who can help the harmless civilian to help get compensation. More details at State torture compensation

Physics tutor

Mr. Phang Yu Hon of is the preferred physics tutor for Singaporean students participating in physics competitions. offers physics tuition to O-level, A-level, IP & IB students. Many students of Mr. Phang have won medals in the Singapore Junior Physics Olympiad (SJPO), Singapore Physics Olympiad (SPhO) and International Physics Olympiad (IPhO).

Link removed since it is not paid

Information on hitech torture weapons used by security,intelligence agencies in panaji, goa

A harmless single woman engineer, domain investor is being ruthlessly tortured by some criminal security and intelligence agency officials in panaji, goa using the indian version of the Raytheon pain gun or active denial system, to cause great pain. The engineer wants details of the weapons being used, specifications including the frequency of the torture weapons so that legal action can be taken to end the daily human rights abuses of a harmless indian citizen. Compensation will be provided for the information, send details to

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Goan obc bhandari SEX BRIBE queen bsc sunaina’s criminal cowardly lovers attack obc engineer again

The lazy greedy slim jeans clad goan obc bhandari sex bribe queen government employee bsc sunaina was too lazy and mediocre to answer JEE or get an engineering degree,insteadt with the help of her pimp fraud NTRo official j srinivasan offered sex bribes to shameless fraud sex starved fraud ntro officials and other fraud government employees to steal the resume of their btech 1993 EE classmate, a single woman obc engineer, and get the inexperienced mediocre goan obc bhandari sex bribe queen a lucrative government job with a fake resume.
To end the fraud of the extremely powerful shameless cruel government officials, the obc engineer has ensured that a disclaimer is being posted on all the websites that the goan obc bhandari sex bribe queen sunaina and other fraud government employees are not associated , so that government employees do not dupe any other organizations or individuals and get great powers, privileges for the fraud sunaina and other frauds. Already the fraud ntro official j srinivasan has duped a large number of companies like ebay, online shopping, websites, bsnl, sbi, mutual funds, webhosting companies that bsc sunaina, half his age, was his btech 1993 EE classmate to get her great powers at the expense of his classmate, when the inexperienced fraud government employee bsc sunaina is not connected with these companies in any way at all. To prevent further fraud by government employees a notice is being posted on all websites, to minimize further losses, defamation of the obc engineer.

However the powerful cruel criminal lovers of obc bhandari government employee sex bribe queen sunaina do not want their great SEX SCANDAL to be exposed, as they will lose the sex bribes they are getting. These powerful frauds have been falsely claim that the lazy greedy goan obc bhandari sex bribe queen bsc sunaina, who does no work online and does not spend any money online, owns the blog to get her great powers, privileges as part of never ending slander, torture campaign against the real blog owner, a harmless single woman obc engineer. So on 13 march 2016, the blog Book stack was updated with a specific disclaimer that no government employee especially the slim jeans clad goan obc sex bribe queen bsc sunaina was associated with it.

The powerful cruel cowardly dishonest sex starved officials sleeping with the goan sex bribe queen sunaina were apparently upset that their sex for government job fraud was being exposed and criminally attacked the harmless single woman obc engineer in panaji, goa at around 1.51pm on 13 March 2016 using the indian version of the Raytheon pain gun, to cause great pain. Any information on the name and designation of these criminal officials in panaji, goa will be appreciated.

Why are dishonest men who will do anything for free sex given so many powers in India

Often harmless honest brilliant professionals labelled a security threat in India

In most countries people who are academically brilliant are valued, encouraged, however in India due to the negative attitude of the indian intelligence and security agencies, if a person is academically brilliant a huge amount of tax payer money is wasted to destroy their life, ruin their personal and professional reputation, making fake allegations without proof.
Though the case of Sameer Sardana has been highlighted in the goan media there are other academically brilliant people, especially those who are single, who are ruthlessly defamed, cheated and exploited, making it extremely difficult to earn a fair living. Sameer Sardana was a chartered accountant and the CA exams are considered to be extremely tough, the officials falsely accusing him, did not give him, as a brilliant and well qualified professional the benefit of doubt, and wasted a huge amount of indian tax payer money, trying to frame him.
According his version of the story, he is a consultant dealing with a number of companies,yet the media did not tell his version of the story initially, repeating the police version, When the security agencies are making fake allegations without any proof, why is no action taken against the incompetent officials making fake allegations. Now the media reported that he is finding it difficult to book a hotel room, because he is being defamed in the media as a terrorist and his passport has been confiscated. He said would be consulting his father,Major General A.N.Sardana a retired senior Army official, and deciding whether a defamation case is to be filed against the goa police/ATS for ruining his reputation.

A brilliant single woman obc engineer, domain investor and Paypal account holder has also been similarly defamed, tortured by the incompetent, careless and dishonest intelligence and security agency officials in Goa and elsewhere. These cunning officials are not taking any action in writing because they are aware that they have no evidence against her and they could face a defamation case, if they made allegations without proof. However in Goa for the last 4 years, her phones, smses are being diverted and stolen by fraud officials making it extremely difficult for the harmless single woman engineer to lead a normal life, earn a fair living.

sameer sardana case confirms brilliant single middle aged professionals are harassed, persecuted in India

The sameer sardana case which was covered extensively in the goan media confirms that single middle aged, academically brilliant professionals in india are targetted for defamation without proof, harassment, exploitation and cheating for years by powerful fraud intelligence and security agency officials. These officials will make fake allegations without any proof at all initially, have the news broadcast and published everywhere to ruin the reputation of the person for the rest of his or her life,
Now it has been proved that sameer sardana had only one valid passport, others were cancelled.
For the 7 sim cards, only 2 sim cards are valid in India, and many indian citizens have 3-4 sim cards issued if they are living in different areas to reduce call charges for local calls
A lot of resources have been wasted trying to find a terror link, however the suspect may just be an ordinary citizen who is subjected to so much harassment, torture that he is behaving in abnormal manner trying to escape the all powerful security and intelligence agency officials who are stalking and harassing him all over india, often using extremely high tech weapons which the mainstream media will not write about.

Backward class professionals,students who do not use reservation are harassed more

The suicide of Rohith vemula confirmed that in india brilliant backward class professionals who do not use reservation are targetted for persecution with the shameless fraud SEX BRIBE TAKING CBI, r&aw, ntro, security agency officials wasting a huge amount of indian tax payer to falsely claim that mediocre lazy greedy backward class SEX BRIBE GIVERS like the lazy greedy GOAN obc bhandari SEX BRIBE GIVER R&AW employee bsc sunaina in her twenties has a btech 1993 EE degree to justify the wastage of indian tax payer money on a lazy greedy goan obc bhandari fraud whose greatest achievement in life will be having SEX with powerful fraud ntro officials.

Why are the fraud cbi, r&AW, ntro, security agency officials behaving like SEX MANIACS falsely claiming that bsc sunaina with no engineering degree, who has SEX with them, has the resume, investment of a single woman obc engineer with a btech 1993 ee degree, wasting a huge amount of tax payer money in the process,
Why dont these powerful ntro,cbi and other officials truthfully tell all the internet and other companies that the lazy greedy goan obc bhandari slut R&AW employee bsc sunaina is extremely mediocre, with no experience, no investment yet has SEX with some of the most powerful men in the indian internet sector, in ntro elsewhere, and these men are infatuated with the lazy greedy goan obc bhandari slut sunaina,

Why does the brilliant hardworking obc bhandari single woman engineer who actually has the btech 1993 EE degree, owns domain names and the Paypal account have to waste her time and money exposing the impersonation, sex bribe fraud of the lazy greedy goan obc bhandari R&AW employee bsc sunaina? Why do cbi, ntro, R&AW waste so many resources to promote the lazy greedy mediocre OBC bhandari GOAN SEX BRIBE GIVER bsc sunaina?