Though usually the home country or team is at an advantage for any competition, India was not very successful at the 46th International Physics Olympiad 2015. The highest ranked Indian was Gowtham Amirthya Neppoleon , who was ranked 47th with a total of 40.9, winning a silver medal.
Other winners of a silver medal are Sri Eswar Sai Prakash Reddy Pabatireddy, Sheshansh Agrawal and Anuj Shripad Apte
Though the performance of a student will vary, It appears to be a reflection of the decay in the indian academic system, as the criteria for selection to top colleges becomes less rigorous.
In India, academic excellence no longer matters for success in life, in fact, most toppers in school and college in India are singled out for harassment, identity theft, especially if they are not brahmins, and single.
Unlike the far eastern countries which promote and reward excellence in science in India top officials think cheating and impersonation frauds can become physics toppers overnight
Indian intelligence agencies allegedly CBI, R&AW, NTRO protect, reward all the lazy greedy mediocre frauds who will cheat, exploit, defame and impersonate physics toppers, giving all these frauds permanent intelligence agency jobs, falsely claiming that they have the impressive resume of the physics topper.
The matter has been highlighted because a brilliant single woman obc bhandari engineer, from a top college, in goa finds that all her correspondence is being diverted to the inexperienced mediocre lazy greedy goan gsb frauds riddhi siddhi mandrekar, shivalli brahmin cheater housewife BBM nayanshree hathwar, obc slut bsc sunaina, ruchika, asmita patel, veena and others,so that these mediocre lazy greedy women can impersonate her and run an extortion racket. The brilliant physics topper has been denied her fundamental right to privacy and to earn a fair living, while frauds who cheated her like siddhi mandrekar, nayanshree hathwar are getting great powers, a salary and pension.
The brilliant obc engineer has been told that she would not face these problems if she was academically mediocre, indicating that science toppers in India do not get a fair deal

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