R&AW/CBI/NTRO are not realistic about college relationships

One of greatest flaws in Indian intelligence agencies, is that they are not realistic about college relationships and is considered to be an engineer, only if his or her classmates will give references. Like any group of people, students in a college, especially a top college get admission to get an engineering degree, not to make friends and may not get along with their other classmates.

So if a powerful official is jealous of his engineering classmate or hated the classmate because of other prejudices like caste, appearance, family background, he will refuse to give references and also ensure that other classmates also refuse to be associated or give references.

Indian intelligence agencies are extremely irrational and intolerant when they believe that only references will determine whether a person is to be considered an engineer, if the jealous classmates refuse to give references or steal the resume, the person is not an engineer. Professional rivalry is present in every profession, yet indian intelligence agencies ignore the fact.

The professional educational and work experience of a person determines whether a person is a professionally qualified engineer. In the same class, jealous classmates will refuse to give references, however the person may have worked professionally as an engineer, which the indian intelligence agencies are conveniently ignoring when they falsely claim that some mediocre lazy greedy fraud CBI/R&AW employees have a btech 1993 EE degree.

By admin